Our Team Tour – Brazil is specifically designed for soccer teams wishing to experience the very best in Brazilian soccer sights and sounds
In traveling to one of the worlds greatest soccer nations; Brazil, this 10 day tour will combine superb soccer experiences with the unique culture and carnival atmosphere that is Brazil. Our Brazilian Tour emphasizes unrivalled soccer training with superb playing experiences. While in Brazil you will play games, partake in training sessions, attend a live professional soccer game and spend time in Brazil sightseeing and being amazed by this wonderful country.
FREE places & Great Fundraising Opportunities
10 days / 7 nights Tour
Stay 5 nights at Trops Training Center and 3 nights in Copacabana beach
3 x Games versus Competitive Brazilian Clubs
Training Sessions with Professional Bralian Licensed Coaches
Chance to experience authentic Brazilian Cultural attractions
Chance to visit the beautiful beaches of Rio de Janeiro and Niteroi
Chance to watch a Professional Game in Rio de Janeiro
Travel Director

Brazil Tour, sample package
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